Friday, November 27, 2015

A Whole New World

Since I last entered a blog entry, I have graduated college, I have accepted a promotion, and I have left my world behind and moved to Alaska.  This has possibly been the greatest step in faith I have taken.  I accepted the new job with great trepidation and fear.  I have carried so much baggage from Raleigh to Denver with the hopes to shed it all.  And now I am wondering what the future even looks like.  There really is no direction out here but up.  

A friend of a friend invited me to join a community.  Community is vastly underrated when it comes to how I view my social life.  Facebook is not a social life no matter how much I try to make it that way.  Facebook doesn't enhance anything about my life.  In fact, Facebook brings into sharp relief all the things that I miss out on.  Parties and outings with friends I left behind are documented with great clarity.  

I don't feel depressed by any stretch of the imagination.  I just feel called to return to a lifestyle that is far more humble than I have been living.  I was asked recently how my prayer life was, and it is non-existent.  In a way, realizing this is a tremendous grace.  Say a prayer that I remember to say a prayer and be thankful for a wonderful opportunity here in the final frontier.  

I always told the teens in the youth program I served, 'in the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have overcome the world."  There is nothing to be sad about.  I've missed many opportunities in the past.  I have regrets that could fill an encyclopedia.  I have learned more than I should have.  And mostly, I've learned to be patient.  I can only do what I can do.  For the rest, I will wait.