Friday, July 22, 2011

Deception in the Susan G. Komen Foundation

"Let no one deceive you in any way."-2 Thessalonians 2:3

It seems that every day I get a letter, am stopped on the street, or receive a phone call directs me to donate to a charitable organization.  I am to help the poor says the Lord.  I am to help heal the sick; clothe the naked; feed the hungry.  And the most colorful thing I have read this week comes from Archbishop Chaput who said that unless we do all we can for the poor, we will go to hell.  I trust in the words of the Archbishop but this blog entry is not about my tithing and charitable contributions.  It is explicitly about discerning the nature of the people and institutions seeking charity.  Science has taken us to a place where we discover new breakthroughs and treatments every day.  But we must not allow passion and emotion to cloud our faith and reason.  We live in a time where we can no longer accept that we should do ALL that we are able to do for research.  Many debilitating diseases are very unfortunate and deserve the best research we ethically and morally provide.  But we are at a time where science has determined that we can have breakthroughs via murder.  This may sound harsh but the collection of eggs and sperm for the purpose of fertilization and subsequent harvest of stem cells terminating with the destruction of the life created outside of love is an absolute sin in direct violation of that child's inalienable right to life.  It is for this reason that the Church is completely and unequivocally against human embryonic stem cell research.  To move forward, the Church supports and directs all peoples to support the right to life for all.  To this end the Church is heavily against the Institute of Medicine pressing the Department of Health and Human Services in their quest to mandate free contraception, surgical sterilization and post abortion counseling (by free, they are seeking to require insurance companies to make these services available without co-pay).  We echo Cardinal Di Nardo of Houston in his statement that pregnancy is not a disease and fertility is not a pathology.  To do anything to suppress or circumvent the procreative nature of sex is in direct opposition to the will of God.  Contraception is fundamentally wrong.  Abortion is fundamentally wrong.  The bishops of Ohio today have directed the faithful to no longer direct their money to the Susan G. Komen charitable organization for breast cancer research.  This should not be considered an affront to the cause for cancer research but rather research into the inner workings of the Komen organization revealed that the Komen foundation gave $3.3 million from 2004-2009 directly to abortion programs.  Christians cannot in good faith give their money to organizations that will use it in immoral ways.  It is now that I lend my support to this cause in helping to spread the word on this deception.  In our need to help the poor; help heal the sick; feed the hungry; let us not get caught in our emotions and blindly be deceived into supporting institutions that are fundamentally against the true right to life.  We must now do all that we FAITHFULLY are able to do to help heal the sick, feed the hungry, give to the poor.  Faithfully give. 

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