Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Saturday Thought

"What I say to you in the darkness, speak in the light;
 what you hear whispered, proclaim on the housetops.
 And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul;
 rather, be afraid of the one who can destroy
 both soul and body " - Matthew chapter 10...

Have you ever heard of the psychological phenomenon known as 'mob mentality.'  It is the social that suggests that a group of people will either do nothing in the face of evil or will become riotous and out of control.  This phenomenon explains some things occur such as a woman being raped in an apartment hallway while neighbors look on or why protests can turn violent.  It makes none of it just or excusable.  There is a sign in New York City outside of the fire station where those 7 heroic firefighters were stationed who chose to continue up the first tower to save as many people as possible on 9/11.  Under the street sign is another street sign that says "7 in Heaven."  Currently there is an atheist group filing a lawsuit against the government citing violations of the Establishment Clause and claiming they don't want Christianity 'shoved down their throats.'  To prosetylize is to force someone to adhere to a religion.  The Church does not ever endorse this behavior.  She does though call on us all to exercise our free will to follow the Lord and be strengthened by the Holy Spirit and the grace of God to stand and proclaim the goodness of the Lord.  To proclaim is more than just a speaking of words.  Proclaiming is a action, a physical action, that demands our body to assist in what we are trying to convey.  Using this notion of proclamation, let us today remember that we must preach with our lives the message of faith, hope and love. If we cannot live authentically the life Christ intends for us, then any word we speak, will be as St James described, "faith without works is dead."  We know our faith is not dead and we do try to live faithfully, but we must remember that we are fighting new ideologies that try to tell us there is no god.  Our God loves and lives and we are his hands and feet.  Holiness happens in the world, but it is only through those who are willing to be moved by the Holy Spirit in Christ our Lord. 

"Lord today make me yours and make me holy.  Take this day and take this body and do with it however you choose.  Yours in the kingdom and the glory and I want nothing else except you.  Be with me and guide my steps for each one is uncertain but you carry me.  Lead me past temptation and deliver me home to you.  This we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen'

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